Tuesday, December 12, 2006

'Tis the Season!

Well, here it is once again – the holiday season! Christmas! The portion of the year that is designed for happiness. It can become stressful for some (okay, pretty much everyone) but we need to be careful not to let these stresses take over and ruin this opportunity. It is my belief that the reason for the season is to let everyone take a break from the everyday chaos that is life and get together with friends and family in an effort to keep the insanity figures from getting a bit out of control. The smart people will understand this and heed the advice. The ignorant will get lost in the stresses and turn this time into no more than another choir.

Of course the retail sector is aware of the season – I think they start paying close attention to it earlier and earlier each year. Yeah, the day after Thanksgiving is the official start to the number crunching; however I think that the non-official beginning for the Christmas shopping season starts a bit earlier – somewhere around the 4th of July it seems… The thing that one must remember is this: Christmas is not about the amount of money that one spends; it’s about getting the chance to spend time with those you actually want to spend time with. Buy these people gifts if you want; however the time spent with them is completely free and a hell of a lot more rewarding than a new tie or a pair of socks.

You see, Christmas is the grand daddy of ‘em all. It’s the holiday that trumps all other holidays. (No offense to Chanukah, Kwanzaa or even Festivus but I consider these to be no more than Christmas renamed…) Whatever you call this part of the year, the meaning remains the same – happiness and cheer! After all, I am an atheist and even I understand the need for this time. Do I believe that, a couple thousand years ago, a child was born (to a virgin, none the less) that was the one and only son of god? Hell no! Many do, but I don’t. Does this change the fact that every year, around this time, I am presented with the perfect opportunity to head back home for a bit to meet up with people that I am always happy to see? No! And so far I have always taken advantage of the opportunity and taken that trip back to my hometown. I’m sure that I would survive if, for some unknown reason, I was unable to head home for the holidays; however my heart would be there even if my physical body wasn’t.

As I mentioned in my Now What? blog post, I am once again heading home for the holidays. I’ve made it home before from Florida (once) and from Colorado (many many times) but those trips were simple – a few hours on a plane. It’s a bit different from Germany – a much longer trip and quite a bit more expensive – but the trip will be made. It would be stupid of me not to go. I’m looking very forward to a couple weeks where my life is once again my own. It’ll give me a chance to relax a bit and get back in touch with people who have “been there” throughout my life. These are the important people and time spent with them is absolutely priceless.

It’s actually very interesting being in Germany at this time of the year. Not to be too hard on us Americans, but the Europeans seem to have a better fundamental understanding of the holiday season. The Christmas markets have been erected and opened in all of the major cities (there’s a rather interesting one in Braunschweig) and the crowds have been flocking. People are gathering, glühwein is flowing and sweets and trinkets are being bought and sold. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Perhaps I am not seeing it, but the hectic shopping frenzy that is Christmas in America appears to be toned down quite a bit over here. Granted I might get a different opinion if I were to actually participate in the Christmas shopping here; however I am definitely not feeling the pressure to go out and spend money that seems to be ever-present in the states at this time. Who knows, maybe not knowing the language is an advantage here…?

I will say this though – I now understand the existence of Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland (the “World’s Largest Christmas Store”) up in Frankenmuth, Michigan. I always wondered why such a large Christmas themed store was associated with a city whose motto is “Michigan’s Little Bavaria”. Granted I am actually living in Lower Saxony here in Braunschweig; but if Bavaria is anything like Lower Saxony then I completely understand it. Christmas is a big thing over here in Germany… (Bronner’s, by the way, is a well known place – I remember seeing a billboard for it on I-75 in Florida. It said something like “1300 miles ahead”…)

Anyway, here’s to you on this Christmas season! Try to enjoy your time and don’t let the little hassles become more important than the true meaning of the season. Remember that, although the commercials will be telling you otherwise, it’s not the actual gift that matters – it really is the thought that counts. Remember that when you receive a “bad” gift from someone. Be happy in receiving the gift – for the gift that you are actually receiving is the comfort that comes from knowing that the person giving you the gift was thinking about you. And really, could you ask for anything more?

bis später,



  1. You are so lucky to be able to travel and explore life, I find that very intersting. How is the food in Germany? My cousin was there for 3 months or so as a foreign exchange student and she said they cook with all the real fattening ingredients but is was so good. What is your favorite dish to eat there? Do you cook for yourself or go out to eat?

  2. Yeah, I really must admit that this trip has been very interesting. I was a bit worried about heading over here – mainly worried about the work aspect and not so much the “life” aspect though… Funny thing is that the work part of this trip has really been nothing to worry about. It’s the life impact that this trip has had on me that is so much more interesting than the job. I guess there’s really no better way to learn about yourself than being put in a situation where you need to go and live in a completely different culture – one where you can’t even speak the language…

    German food, huh? Well, to be honest with you, I can’t really say that I’ve explored the food aspect as much as I probably should. Lately I’ve just been eating one meal a day (lunch) and that usually ends up being either a dürüm döner or a pizza. My apartment is also located very close to a McDonald’s, and the convenience of this impedes my exploration of German cuisine a bit … I am an American, after all, and being alone and lazy makes the easiest food to get my main choice.

    Your friend is correct, however; actual German cuisine most definitely consists of some real fattening ingredients. Jon was telling me about this bread spread that they had at his girlfriend’s father’s birthday party that was really nothing more than seasoned lard. The amazing thing is how healthy the people are over here even with eating this stuff – I guess all the walking and biking really pays off. I suppose the final result we get in America with having all the conveniences in our lives is a bunch of overweight people. Seems there’s a price to pay for everything…

    As far as me actually cooking anything over here – I haven’t done that yet. Every meal I’ve had since moving out here has been either take-out or in a restaurant somewhere. I actually have no food in my apartment. I try to keep the fridge stocked with drinks (mainly Coke), but grocery shopping is something that I despise in general. Due to lack of nearby supermarkets and lack of a car I haven’t even bothered with grocery shopping. Carrying bags of groceries on buses or trams just doesn’t seem like fun to me. Besides, I’m here by myself so purchasing prepared meals is just so much easier…

  3. What is the weather like over there?

    Would you ever consider starting your own family if you found the "right" person?

    Which place would you think was the bestplace to raise a family?

    Do they have alot of sports in Germany?

  4. The weather’s been nice, actually. Seems to rain a lot at night, but the days haven’t been too bad. Temperatures have basically stayed in the mid 40’s (about 8º C) and, other than the wind at times, it’s been rather comfortable. (I’m told that it’s unusually warm, but that’s cool…)

    Would I consider starting a family if I found the “right” person? Well, yeah … isn’t that pretty much what everyone wants? Of course, with me, it would be a small family, I think … perhaps a family of two. But I guess you never really know, do you? I suppose the right person might be able to change my mind about children; however, to me, the “right” person wouldn’t be planning on having children. Of course the definition of the “right” person is in constant flux…

    I guess that pretty much precludes me from picking (between Colorado and Germany I can only assume) a place to raise a family – seeing as I’m not actually planning to have one; however I can give my opinion for whatever that’s worth. I would have to stick with Colorado. I mean America has its faults (arrogance being a big one) but I really must say that there is no other place I would rather live. The opportunities, I believe, are still there. All it takes is a bit of effort…

    Now, on the subject of sports, I guess that I would have to say that soccer (fußball) seems to be rather popular. Go to pretty much any train station on a Saturday and I can guarantee that you’ll see at least one group of teenagers hooting and hollering about some fußball match somewhere. Heck, I was even invited to play on a soccer team with the company that I am contracted to. (Didn’t play, but I was asked…)

  5. How long are your contracts? It must be really hard to just pack your bags and disappear into another culture as you are doing at this very moment. I bet that your company takes care of you very well! I am happy for you, I sure wish I was in that boat. I work my ass off for peanuts but someday I will earn enough money to care for all my loved ones. I just wish I would have started earlier like you did,fresh from high school. I would love to travel someday and visit different cultures.

    I know you do not view yourself this way but I think that you are very brave. You have a natural talent that some people would die for. You have brains in which I would love to borrow your thoughts for a while just to view your opionions(sorry I cant spell for shit)
    I wish you the best and I know if you decide to make some positive changes and choices for yourself you are going to find what you have been longing for.any ways enough of my mumbo-jumbo I have to go to bed, I work mid night and I had a really bad day I need to lay down and hope and dream that everything will be OK!! Thanks for responding, I really appreciate it.

  6. Sorry to hear that things seem to be a bit rough for you right now, my anonymous friend. I hope things get better for you soon! Life’s like that, though … it’s these trials and tribulations that make us who we are. Whatever the situation, I’m sure you’ll be able to get through it. Heck, maybe you should start writing a blog – it’s actually helped me tremendously…

    As for the bravery thing, I appreciate the thought; however you might want to hold off on that labeling just a bit. I’m not brave. Truth be told (and I mentioned this a bit at the end of the To the present… post back in September), moving to Germany was – by no means – a decision that I made on my own. It was either take this contract job or go bankrupt. I wasn’t very excited about the latter option (although my brother said I could move into his basement if I needed) so I decided to head on out to Germany. I really had nothing else that I could have done…

    You asked about the length of the contracts and all I can say is that I signed a six month contract for starters. I was told by a few that it would most likely get extended to a full year; however things have changed a bit and the project that I was working on is currently in the process of getting transferred to another location. I’m pretty sure that I will be getting at least another three month contract; however the six month extension is still an unknown. I hope I get it – lord knows I could se the money…

    Also, just for clarification, you said “I bet that your company takes care of you very well!” The company that I am currently contracted to is paying me very well, but I am actually not an employee of any company at the moment. I’m what’s referred to as a freelance engineer. I work through a recruiting agency, so I guess they could be considered my employer; but I really report to nobody. It’s not a bad arrangement – the only big downside to it is that, as soon as this contract work is completed, I will once again be officially unemployed. I’m planning on jumping off that bridge when I come to it…

    Anyway, thanks for taking an interest in my silly little blog. It’s nice to know that these stories are actually being read by some…

  7. Do you ever wonder why situations in your life keep repeating it self over and over again?

  8. I can tell you exactly why situations in my life keep repeating themselves – there really is nothing to “wonder” about. It’s that old saying – “If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you’re destined to repeat them.” I guess I’m a bit slow on the “learning” aspect.


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