Friday, December 15, 2006


I’ve been thinking lately about the complete and utter failure that is the George “Dubya” Bush presidency. These thoughts are both disturbing and down-right frightening. I mean how on Earth did this waste of a human successfully “win” the presidency for the last six years? Six years is a long time. Shouldn’t the checks and balances inherent in the American government have ousted this guy years ago? Something’s wrong with the system and I really think we need to fix it ASAP!

Now granted, I will be the first to admit that this blog posting is being written completely from information that I, personally, believe to be true. In other words, I will not be doing any (well, maybe a little…) research to support my opinions. I’m just going to sum up the situation from the point of view of your typical American, me. My opinions are based on what little research I have done in the past as well as the endless “news” feeds that are constantly being shoved down our throats. The only difference with this post is that I am going to tell the world exactly how I have processed this information. I’ll leave it up to you to decide on whether or not any of my points are valid…

As everyone already knows, this fiasco started back in 2000 when Dubya, a man whose life could be described as nothing more than a string of failures, was somehow able to win the presidential election. You all remember that time, right? The election was decided by one state, Florida which just happened to have his brother as governor and Katherine Harris as Secretary of State. I’m not going to re-hash all the details of that mess; however I believe that Bush and his cronies did successfully manage to steal that election. Were crimes committed? Probably. Will anybody ever need to pay for these crimes? Other than being forced to live with themselves (which, I realize, won’t be too hard for these people), probably not.

Okay, so Dubya made it into the Oval Office. Suddenly the point of whether or not he should rightfully be there became moot. For some reason the American public just accepted the fact that Georgey was our new president. Sure, there were many (mainly the Democrats) that weren’t happy about this fact; however it was a fact. Oh well, elections don’t always turn out the way you were hoping. They’re supposed to turn out in favor of the majority; however the 2000 election is a clear demonstration that this is not always the case. It seems blatantly obvious to me now that qualifications aren’t nearly as important as connections (“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” – so very true…) – most notably in the world of politics. And isn’t that world where we need qualified individuals the most?

No problem though – the way our government is set up is supposed to guarantee that, even if something like this happens, it won’t be the end of the world. The various government branches are designed to work as a rather elaborate system of “checks and balances” that ensures democracy. Having the position of president occupied by “the wrong guy” doesn’t really change much. It might make the US look a bit worse to many foreign countries (having a baboon as our main spokesman); however the legislative and judicial branches will keep this baboon in check. At least that’s the way things are supposed to work…

Everything changed on September 11, 2001. Our country was under attack. There wasn’t a foreign country trying to invade or anything – just a rather well organized group of religious extremists. After it had been determined that it was al-Qaeda who was responsible for the attacks, Dubya and his cronies did the right thing and, with the full support of the United Nations, went after Osama bin Laden (the mastermind behind the attacks). Afghanistan was invaded and the al-Qaeda infrastructure in Afghanistan was destroyed. Bin Laden, however, got away. Why did this happen? Because the Dubya crew decided that they would use this opportunity to fabricate a connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda. Why? So that most of the troops that were deployed to Afghanistan could be pulled out and used for our next war – in Iraq.

The connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda was no more than a fabrication - a fabrication created by the Dubya crew in an effort to intentionally fool the American population (who were being scared to death by the media at the time) into actually supporting the plan to invade Iraq. Let me be clear on this – George W. Bush and his advisors intentionally lied to the American people in order to invade Iraq! Not only is this unethical, I believe that it is illegal. Luckily for us we had the United Nations to deal with before we actually went and did something completely unheard of throughout history – invade a country that posed no threat to America.

This, of course, didn’t stop the Dubya machine from somehow (and this still confuses me) getting congress to actually give George the power to declare war. It wasn’t long after that when Georgey-boy did just that – he completely ignored the United Nations and sent American soldiers into Iraq. He sent young American volunteers into Iraq on completely fabricated reasoning. More of these volunteers have died in Iraq than the number of innocents killed on September 11, 2001. Congratulations, George … you have successfully killed more Americans than Osama. That should make you sleep better…

Here’s where the almost surreal aspect of what we are currently experiencing comes into play. Yeah, I know that the Democrats did finally hit the Dubya machine a bit by taking congress; however I still remember what the Republicans were spouting prior to the election – the whole “we need to stay the course and not cut and run” bullshit. Don’t they realize that, if we had “stayed the course” in Afghanistan, things could look a lot better now? Maybe we would have actually captured Osama bin Laden (the main person actually responsible for the attacks on America) and at least brought some closure to the thousands of families devastated by the 9-11 attacks. Unfortunately, however, Bush decided to abandon Afghanistan (cut and run) and start a war with Iraq. Why? Because he had a personal bone to pick with Saddam Hussein. You see Saddam had threatened to kill George Bush Sr. and Dubya really wanted to show the world that “You don’t mess with Texas!”

Well George, I honestly don’t know how you can live with yourself. Not only has your personal vendetta greatly weakened the image of the US throughout the world; it has caused more US (the country that you are supposed to be protecting) deaths than the terrorist act that you deliberately used to get your war started (not to mention the astounding number of innocent Iraqis that have been killed). Very good, Dubya – bravo… If your religious beliefs end up being correct, you should have plenty of stories to share with Satan after you die and end up in Hell.

The saddest part about all this is what Curious George and his associates have done to the American image. As most of you are already aware (well, the one’s that have been reading my blog), I am currently living in Germany. This has given me a first-hand view of what foreigners (well, Europeans, at least) now think of the United States and it’s not good. The worst part about it is that I agree with them. I’m beginning to wonder if America’s image has been soiled to the point that it may never be cleaned again.

Where do we go from here? I don’t know … but it seems to me that impeaching Bush would be a good start. And, for god’s sake, get our soldiers out of Iraq – we should have never sent them there to begin with…

bis später,



  1. I aggree we need to get our troops out of there!! War is never the answer, but it has been around longer then you and I have been born. We are extremly lucky compared to what life must have been when there was war and deppression back years ago. We should be thankful that we have the opportunitie to have choice. Our grandfathers and uncles soon as they turned 18 they were drafted and they had no choice, they had to live life fighting for our "Freedom". We are spending to much time blameing Bush for everything. He was not always right on his decisions but he did the best that he could. I am sure he knows the mistakes he made,everyone tells him what he has done wrong. I believe WE the people who live on earth at this very moment should pull together and help each other out. We are spoiled and fucking lazy!! While all those people were drowning and loosing there lives, What the fuck were we doing???? All of us were sitting watching T.V and blaming Bush!! Yes indeed he was very slow on taking action. (My heart goes out to those who suffered alot and lost all there loved ones.) My personal belief is that I wish we would have all put effort right away on helping them! Look at all those new houses and condos that are being built, we should have placed everyone in those nice condos so they could start a new life. There is so much that we could have done for them and we did not.......

  2. Well, first off, just because you call yourself “youknowwhoIam” doesn’t mean I know who you are… I’m thinking this comment may have come from Bill, but to be honest, I’m not really sure. Guess it doesn’t really matter that much; however, whoever this is apparently isn’t very willing to take credit or their input here.

    First off, yes – war has been around pretty much forever. A while back we also took slavery to be the norm. Just because something exists does not make it right. The funny thing is that it is up to our elected officials to decide which wrongs they should stop and then stop them. Just because war is old is by no means any justification for invading Iraq.

    You are correct by saying that we are lucky to not have been forced to “join” the armed forces by way of a draft – yet… Hopefully, now that the Democrats have taken control of congress, we can continue to avoid that. Of course this begs the question of why you aren’t over in Iraq voluntarily if you believe this to a just war… No … you wouldn’t do that now, would you? Something tells me you’d much rather just sit in the safety of your own little world and “support” our president as he sends thousands of less fortunate Americans to their deaths. You might want to consider the option of pulling your support away from Georgey and fixing it on something a bit more deserving – like the men and women that volunteered to defend our country.

    As for switching subjects mid-stream o the Katrina disaster, I’m a bit confused by this. I actually find it interesting that you would even bring this up. Katrina was a disaster – a natural disaster. These things happen. Was it handled correctly? I don’t think so. Was it all Bush’s fault? Nope. Katrina was a failure for America as a whole. Bush ended up in the crosshairs when people wanted to try to lay blame. That’s just human nature. I don’t think there are many out there aren’t aware of the multitude of mistakes that caused Katrina to be as bad as it was. Bush was just one of those blunders. Are you trying to use this incident as an example as to why Bush shouldn’t be impeached? If so, you might want to try to find a more solid argument.


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