Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How Not to Behave on Christmas

So, last Friday the company that I am currently contracted to here in Germany threw their annual Christmas (Weihnachten) party. I didn’t go. Turns out, I believe, that ended up being a good decision on my part. For one thing, the entire thing (I guess they had a band there) was done in German. As I am sure most of you are already aware, I do not speak (or understand) German. Yeah, I know, that’s nobody’s fault but my own – the fact remains that I am completely unable (well, “unwilling” at least) to comprehend things when they are delivered to me in Deutsch.

Also, I saved myself €20 by not attending. You see, the party is free to the full-time employees of this company; however, if we contractors wanted to attend, we needed to shell out €20 (€30 if you wanted to bring a guest). I actually asked Julie if she wanted to attend this party to get a bit of insight into the corporate world that she will soon enough be entering (Oh, by the way, congratulations are due for Julie as she has just recently been accepted to the University of Florida on a “full-ride” academic scholarship! Way to go, girl!) although she decided against it. That’s cool – saved me €30 since I decided not to attend myself – and I really doubt that we would have had very much fun. Corporate Christmas parties are always questionable on the amount of fun offered – usually they turn into just one more opportunity for the “pets” of the bosses to, once again, grab hold of a buttock and pucker up. Since kissing ass is something that I do not do, I usually need to find fun by other means and an open bar can become dangerous…

My first experience with this was back when I was still living at the Theta Tau house and working at Ticketmaster. We had a Christmas party; and, being that it was Ticketmaster (pretty much the only place that you could get tickets for any show in the southeast Michigan area), the party was held at the Fox Theater in downtown Detroit. Not only was it held there, but we (well Ticketmaster) had the entire venue to ourselves. The bar, unfortunately for me, was open – wide open – and I took advantage of it…

At the time, my drink of choice was a Tom Collins. I lost count of exactly how many Tom Collins I had that night, but I know it was a large number. How I know this is from the results. It was another night of, as Dave Attell puts it, “time traveling”. One minute I was sitting at a table drinking my Tom Collins and, what seemed at the time like one minute later, I was waking up in my bed back at the frat house. Exactly what happened between these two seemingly unrelated events was completely unknown to me. It wasn’t until I returned to work the following evening that the stories started coming out.

Turns out that I was the last person to leave the Fox Theater that evening. In fact, the staff of the theater must have noticed my car in the parking lot (after locking me in, I would guess) and needed to head back in to find me. The worst part about it all was that I was allowed to drive home. Luckily for me, the Fox Theater is actually rather close to the Theta Tau house and I was somehow able to make it home in one piece. My car had a new, and very large, dent (well, if you could actually call the body being so bent out of shape that the driver-side door couldn’t be opened a “dent”) right between the front left tire and driver-side door. How that happened is still a mystery; however nobody’s come “looking for me” so I’m thinking that I somehow did it on my own…

This, my friends, is not the way to behave – the fact that it was at a corporate Christmas party just makes it that much worse. Of course this was just a computer operator’s job at Ticketmaster, so I really wasn’t too worried about any negative repercussions. When I was working for Avant!, however, I should have been somewhat more concerned…

The Avant! Christmas party (at least for the Colorado employees) was held down in Colorado Springs. Now Colorado Springs is a bit of a drive from Broomfield (where I was living at the time) – about 2 hours or so… It was decided that I would head down there with my buddy Doug (who was working in sales for Avant!). He picked me up in the “Dad Van” and we (Doug, his family and I) headed down to the Springs for the party. Since it was scheduled to be an evening party, we all got ourselves hotel rooms … you know – to put off the drive back until the next day. After checking into our rooms, we headed to this bar/restaurant (I have no idea what the name was…) where the party was scheduled to be. Once again – open bar…

I really don’t remember very much of that evening; however, sufficed to say, I once again awoke in my hotel bed with absolutely no knowledge of how I had gotten there. This time, however, my wallet was nowhere to be found. So … not only was I waking up with confusion and a serious hang over, I also suddenly had a mystery to solve – I needed to find out where my wallet ended up. Unfortunately I was unable to solve this mystery before we needed to start heading home; so I boarded the “Dad Van” with Doug and his family and traveled back to Broomfield … sans wallet.

Luckily for me, I received a phone call later that evening from this club down in Colorado Springs. They had my wallet. After a short (2 hour) drive back down to the Springs, I was able to retrieve my wallet (with everything in it, amazingly…) and repeat the drive back home. Talk about a long day…

Well people, I guess the reason that I am writing up these stories is really nothing more than a bit of an exhortation for everybody to, unlike me, take care this holiday season. If you’re heading to a Christmas party this year (perhaps for work) and are planning on doing a little drinking, be careful. I got lucky on both of the incidents mentioned above; however things, very easily, could have ended much worse – it’s amazing I haven’t killed myself (or even worse – somebody else) yet. If I end up being stupid enough to continue doing such careless things, I’m pretty sure that I will. Lives can very easily be destroyed at any moment – it’s up to us to make sure that we limit this possibility as much as we can. So please take heed this holiday season and remember that you take sole responsibility for your actions. Think before you do and don’t do what I did… Besides, experiences are just so much more rewarding when you actually remember them.

bis später,



  1. Hi Glenn how are you doing? Ive been noticing how you disconnect yourself from any type of social event. It does not mean that you are a ass kisser or a brown noser if you attend a christmas party.So what if you dont understand Germans they probably do not understand Americans! but we all have the Universial language of Food and dance. I just feel that your life would be more forfiled and you would not be so lonely and deppressed if you joined in on the fun. You could have went dutch!
    I just had my company party and alot of people were not planning on attend but I did and I tell you what, I was amazed that they would do something so nice for us it really made me want to stay with this job just for how they planned this party, They had a open bar from 6pm until 12 midnight dancing all night plus great food. wow!!!!!! I ate everything and then some, they raffled off big screen T Vs and all kinds of fun things like that and I got to meet others and have pure fun.
    I wish that you would get out of that apartment or what ever and explore how they live and eat and enjoy your life. After all you only live once, so why not join in and live, love and laugh.
    I hope that you are doing ok. I am worried about you, I knew you since kindergarden and I want you to be happy and you really worked damm hard for where you are now.Please my freind, have a good time exploring new things. Have a wonderful holiday Sherry

  2. Oh I forgot to say I know you mentioned that open bar can be dangerous, but not if you are dancing and eating along with it.

  3. Hello it is me again, I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog, I love all your details that you include in your blogs. I do however, want to here about you doing something wonderful for yourself in the up-coming year of 2007!!!! Deal? I mean fun things..........such as activities and exploring.

  4. I agree with sherry. Lets hear some crazy story about you losing your inhibitions and doing something awe insiping. T-Cam

  5. Hey T-Cam, Thanks for sticking up with me on this one!!!! Come on Glenn, join in on the fun!!

    You mention(Glenn)how Experiences are more rewarding when you remember them, What happens when you get alzeytimers disease???Then what,.........

    Sow Buttons and zippers are in style????????? haha ha ha ahhahahahhaha, I m sorry I had to tease you a bit. Lighten up my freind and "Dont worry", be "happy".

  6. Listen, people – there’s absolutely no need to worry about me. I’m doing just fine.

    Although I really need to inquire on what was meant by “Sow Buttons and zippers are in
    style?” I mean, what does that even mean…?

  7. Yo, Glen my man! That place that you forgot is called "The Ritz".

    I remember that night (kind of). Thankfully, my wife was driving. I wished I'd stayed sober long enough to hang with you and Rodger after the dinner.

    Also, I think that just having fun with co-workers doesn't have anything to do with ass-kissing. That is over-rated anyway since I don't think it really helps.

    But, if you go too far in the other direction to prove that you are not an asskisser that can get you in trouble.

    Life is too short to get caught up in keeping track of who is kissing whoes ass. I enjoy seeing people do well and improve their life. It helps inspire me to do the same with my life.

    I think you are going through some tremendous growth with this job and move. It is also a good idea that you've decided to go with this blog since it gives you a chance to think about the changes and growth that are taking place.

    By the way the best time I had in Monaco was strolling around by myself silently observing the people, culture, and sights.

    I also couldn't believe how open and friendly everyone was to me. It didn't hurt that the women that I ran in to seemed to think it was cute that I was trying very hard to speak correct French.

    Bis Spater!


  8. I am surprized that you do not know what that term meant, my parents and my grandparents used that term for Who gives a shit!!!sounds funny doesent it? This weird phrase has several meanings just depends on what the subject it is.

    P.S. I take it your work does not give drug test? Over here in the states they do drug test and fingerprints before starting alot of jobs.

  9. Yeah, I think my comment about the ass-kissing aspect of these gatherings ended up appearing to say that everyone at these parties is there to only kiss ass. That’s not what I was trying to say. I was just trying to point out that these gatherings are usually seen as perfect opportunities for those that are prone to ass kissing to pucker up. Most people there are just there to socialize, but the brown nosing just bugs me a bit.

    As for the phrase, thanks I guess. It’s always good to get an understanding of the archaic phrases just in case someone says it to me on the streets some day. Although I must admit that this phrase is a weird one and I don’t expect to be confronted with it anytime soon … but one never knows, does one?

    And no, there is no drug testing for my current job. Since I am actually not “employed” by any company out-right, I am responsible for myself. As long as I do the job that I am contracted for, the company contracting me has absolutely no right to delve into what I do in my free time. And besides, it’s only America where drug testing has become an excepted practice for getting a job. The rest of the world understands the meaning of “private life”. Hmm, maybe there’s a post that I need to write..

  10. You lucky dog,you!!!!!
    I wish I was in your shoes,sounds as if you have control over all aspects of your life. Must be nice to have yourself to answer to. My job is the worst of them all, I have to deal with mental and physical abuse along with the deceased! so be thankful in the life that you are having now, because you definitaly would not this type of job.

  11. Hey Sherry … I hope you don’t mind but I moved your comment over here since I believe this is where it was intended.

    As for the luck aspect, I don’t know… Yeah, I suppose that you might consider the opportunities that I have had a bit of luck; however don’t fool yourself into believing that I haven’t worked hard to get where I am today. The last 12 or so years haven’t all been cake-walks and going to college for an engineering degree breaks a lot of people but I survived.

    I do feel that this job has finally let me reap a bit of what I’ve sewn, however it’s never over. This job will end and I actually have no idea what the future holds; but that’s the exciting thing about life – the future, no matter how well prepared we believe we are, is always a mystery…

  12. Yes I knew I had placed my post on the wrong message hahahahhaha sorry about that, you made me laugh because you caught that one!!

    I think you did real well for yourself.


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