Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Special Gift

So tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. Oh boy… Once again I get to spend it alone. I’m not going to lie to you and say that I’m happy about this – oh, on the contrary, it would be nice to actually have somebody that would get upset if I didn’t waste my money on some basically meaningless gesture but it’s been a long time since a person such as this has existed. Maybe I’ll go out and buy myself a card. Nah… Fuck it, why waste the money…? I think I’ll just treat it as any other day. After all, that IS what it is – just one more day closer to death.

But am I really that jaded? Yep! That’s me – the Grinch of Valentine’s Day. Hmm … perhaps that’s why there’s nobody expecting to receive anything from me… Woe, there’s some insight.

Don’t worry though; I didn’t come here today to vent my anger at this current Hallmark Holiday. To be honest, I don’t really know what I’m going to write about this time. I am, however, going to write. Who knows? Maybe it’ll be interesting … I doubt it, but maybe…

Here’s something that I don’t quite understand: What’s with all this talk about the Senate passing a “spy bill and phone immunity”? So, if I get this correctly, our immaculate monkey of a president decided to execute a warrantless eavesdropping program on the citizens of this country. Now, since the cat is out of the bag and this blatantly illegal action has become public knowledge, Congress (currently controlled by a Democratic majority) is trying to give retroactive immunity to the telecommunication companies that willingly took part in this campaign. I’m a bit torn on how I should feel about this…

Okay, so it’s obvious that the true criminal here is Georgey – apparently god had a personal discussion with him that led him to believe that the laws of this nation were invalid after 9/11; but shouldn’t the executives of these telecommunications firms have smelled a rat when it was requested that they forfeit customer information that used to be categorized as confidential? Or was this done as a strong-arm tactic by the White House? Were these firms somehow led to believe that, by not cooperating in this witch hunt, they were somehow going to feel the wrath of our government? If this is the case, then shouldn’t we be going after Bush with a little more vigor? I’m not very excited to learn that our government is no more than a mafia…

Or did these companies willingly release this information without a threat? If this is the case then why do they deserve immunity? They broke the law. Perhaps holding them responsible for their actions might actually prevent laws from being so easily disregarded in the future. Hell, I know if I broke a law that jeopardized millions of American’s privacy, Congress wouldn’t be wasting time deciding whether or not I deserved immunity. Don’t they have more important business to deal with? Isn’t the recession or something silly like the war a bit more important than bailing Bush out? And these are Democrats! I thought they wanted to see Bush go down in flames…

Hey, if the House is quick enough, maybe they can pass this bill along to the true criminal written up on a heart-shaped piece of paper for Georgey to sign tomorrow. I hope they don’t forget to include a box of chocolates as well…

bis später,


1 comment:

  1. Take AT&T down with little bush. They've had separate rooms/agents and devices, recording all our fashizzle since paranoia gripped our country. I'm not paranoid, its true....of course some man in black will read this and wisk me away in the morning while I'm waving to my kids at the bus stop.......
    Oh, and Happy Valentines Day. Put on some Social Distortion Ball and Chain and throw one back, all will be good....


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