Thursday, November 05, 2020

We’re Screwed…

It’s the 5th of November in the year 2020.  We’re still in the middle of the latest madness that this year has had in store for us – the election of the next set of morons that we are choosing to ride this nation further into the void that this two and a half century old failed experiment has become.  Nothing makes sense anymore.  The most overwhelming condition present in modern America is hatred – pure, unbridled hatred.  They hate us and we hate them.  The two co-existing worlds of the “us” and “them” are now seen as stark photo-negatives of each other.  There is no overlap.

The “Blue Wave” seen as both imminent and necessary by the half of this country that still posses a conscience, once again, did not materialize.  Although some progress – substantially less than what was needed – came back in the now basically forgotten 2018 mid-terms, we’re currently watching a re-run of the joke that was 2016.  It is slightly different this time and might even end up with the correct outcome for the executive office although that won’t matter as the House and Senate don’t appear to be changing colors and we all know how well that worked the last time we had an actual human in the role of POTUS.  We are doomed either way.

It is looking like this airing of the shitshow that was 2016 is a special edition, however.  This year is a collaboration with an earlier disaster known as 2000.  “The 2020 Election – watch as the disappointment of 2016 is mixed in with the pure non-democratic legal shenanigans of 2000.  This’ll be the show that nobody can miss!  It’s gonna fuck your life up for the foreseeable future.”

This whole mess could have been avoided.  This whole mess should have been avoided.  I wonder what the world would be like today if the 45th president’s last name was “Clinton?”  That almost happened – the majority of this nation’s population voted for that.  What if it was “Sanders?”  Could you imagine?  Oh, the horrors – every citizen getting treated as a citizen by the government regardless of race, free health care, honest pay for honest work, a functional government using expert advice in decision making – I mean that’s crazy.  What are we?  Human beings?

I wonder where we would be if we had a former President Gore?  There’s a case study to contemplate.  I’m not exactly sure what today would look like in that situation although I honestly do believe this country would be in a much better place.

Granted these “what if” scenarios are nothing more than pure speculation.  What we are seeing now is the “what happened” scenario and it sucks.  Why are so many people – damn near half of this nation – okay with this?  I’ve got a theory…

I was noticing in the various exit polls that the problem appears to be with religious, less educated, married, white conservatives.  They’re showing in this current election that they’re happy with the way things are.  I’m thinking that every one of those adjectives is, in a way, a limitation.  If not an explicit limitation of life, a limitation on thinking the least bit progressively.  Their situation in life puts them in a social class that, by definition, fears change.  Any change this group wants is to go backwards in time and that’s exactly what we’re doing.

I suppose the problem here is that nobody has figured out a way to successfully convince this group that change can be good.  If the last four years of seeing a clown-car full of buffoons destroying our once great nation hasn’t snapped that point home, I have no idea what could.  Perhaps a civil war?  It seems like that’s what these idiots are hoping for.

Oh, and by the way, I do not believe ultra-douche had COVID.  It was a stunt to show the cretins that like him that he’s untouchable.  Either that or his wealth-care provided him far better treatment than the normal Joe would ever get.  He did get tested constantly – I’m sure catching it quickly helped … IF he even had it.  Why couldn’t he have died…?

bis später,


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