Friday, October 02, 2020

Karma’s Return

Everything is a lie ... everything.

This country – “The Land of the Free,” that’s been implanted in our psyche since forever (considering everybody’s personal forever is equivalent to said person’s existence; and, if you were born in the states – the “united” ones, that is – this false designation has been pounded into your head since you’ve been able to retain thoughts ... but I digress – perhaps there’ll be more on that later...) – is all bullshit.  You’re not free.  Never have been; never will be.  There are some that are, but you aren’t one of ‘em.  At best, “they” are letting you exist.  We’re all slaves.

I’m sitting here at “work” writing this article.  I am not a writer and am not supposed to be writing articles at work – that’s not what they (hmm? ... there’s that “they” again...) pay me for; however, due to bureaucratic circumstances and a plethora of red-tape, I’m currently unable to log-in to the company I’m currently working with’s network.  That makes it impossible for me to do any actual work.  Not that I have any actual work to do as the work I needed to do was completed prior to my getting locked out of the system – quite lucky for the team I’m working with although it will never be realized by those in charge ... bad work gets noticed; good work is almost always undetectable.  As of now though, my fallback routine of “creating” work to do in order to pass the time is not even available.  So, I have time to kill.

So, as I was saying, we are all slaves.  Was reading this article in The Seattle Times reporting on how many passengers weren’t very happy about long bus rides caused by the “Seattle Squeeze” construction.  I haven’t been living here that long and don’t even use public transportation (Meant to and even purchased an Orca card shortly after obtaining my apartment; however, it has never been used.  My limited existence consists of being either at my apartment or at work and, since I chose to get an apartment with easy driving access to work, that’s what I do.) so I’m not exactly sure what the scale of the “Seattle Squeeze” is.  This one particular paragraph, however, got me thinking...

“Now that my bus commute time has doubled, there is no way for me to spend eight hours on the clock at work, pick up my daughter in West Seattle on time, and avoid the $1/minute late fee the day care charges,” Lynne wrote in an email. She now works through lunch to leave earlier and still ends up doing some work in the evenings at home, she said.

That is so American.  Most specifically, the “spend eight hours on the clock at work” sentence.  The thing is that we’ve somehow decided that, in order to – I don’t know ... “justify”, perhaps? – that we should be allowed to live, we need to forfeit eight hours of five days each week pretending to be productive.  Hell, lately those 40-hour work weeks are often not enough - with the current costs of housing and basic living expenses, many are forced to work multiple jobs just to pay the bills.  But it’s all bullshit.

The strangest thing about it is that “they” aren’t in this trap.  “They” do basically nothing.  “They”, however, have arranged it so that “they” have complete control over distribution of resources to us – the slaves.  Have you ever realized that the jobs that actually require somebody to be actively working for eight hours a day are the ones that “they” pay the least for?  The “professionals” working the high-pay jobs are working far less than those grinding through minimum-wage jobs day in and day out.  I know this – I am a professional.  I’m also currently writing this article while on the clock.  This, however, is not my job.

Okay, so everything above was written a bit over a year ago.  Never bothered completing nor posting this rambling as I do realize that nobody reads my blog anymore.  I do, however, find it interesting that the point I was trying to get to last year has basically been proven without any doubt this year – the year that has become analogous to pure madness – 2020.

Early this morning, the douchebag that this country was stupid enough to actually allow obtain the title of POTUS “tweeted” (that’s right, this asshat “tweets”) that he and his wife tested positive for COVID-19.  This, my friends, was the best news I’ve heard in a long time.  I’ve been wondering what happened to karma – seems like somebody’s been holding her hostage for quite a while now.  Looks like she’s making some progress at escaping.  I’m all for her returning fully and will welcome her back with open arms when that motherfucker dies.  Oh, please let him die!

You see, the “they”s that I was speaking of last year are the only people that modern-day Republicans are willing to recognize as humans and try to help.  “They” don’t need any help.  The important people have been identified this year – the ones doing the needed work.  The ones that made it possible for us to survive this pandemic even when we needed to go into lockdown.  The saddest thing about all this is that this country is still not realizing what’s actually important.  And why is that?  Because about a third of this country is fucking retarded.  If you took offense to that statement, I hate to say it but you’re one of those.

These cretins that are currently in charge are masters at creating blatant falsehoods that only a retard would fall for; yet a full one third of this country’s population eats up this bullshit hook, line and sinker.  It’s amazing to me.  Science – the only reason why we, as a species, have been able to obtain a higher standard of living as opposed to your common dung beetle – is seen by these retards as “fake news” that should be ignored; not only ignored but abhorred.  The piece of shit now living in quarantine at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C. did everything he could to make sure that his kin – both figuratively and literally – remained in control of the retards being force-fed the bullshit.  Now he very well could die directly because of this.  Kismet.

Unfortunately, even if we are lucky enough for the over-sized, orange, baby-man to get his comeuppance and finally stop breathing, it still won’t be enough to solve the problems that he has created.  Ideally Pence would quickly succumb to the VID and Pelosi would get the opportunity to pick a replacement for The Notorious RBG.  Could you imagine how pissed that would make the tortoise?  I can dream, can’t I?

bis später,


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